◆ ボードレールの有名な詩に L'Albatros というのがあって、それを検索しているうちに見つけたサイトふたつ。
* http://home.carolina.rr.com/alienfamily/flowers.htm
* LES POETES DU XIXe SIECLE (http://www.poetes.com/)
◆ フランス語原文(最初の一節のみ)
◇ Souvent, pour s'amuser, les hommes d'équipage
Prennent des albatros, vastes oiseaux des mers,
Qui suivent, indolents compagnons de voyage,
Le navire glissant sur les gouffres amers.
◆ 英訳も無数に見つかるけれども…
◇ Often to pass the time on board the crew
will catch an albatross one of those big birds
which nonchalantly chaperone a ship
across the bitter fathoms of the sea.
(Richard Howard )
◇ Often for fun crewmen catch albatrosses
great ones of the ocean that follow
casual companions of the voyage
as the ship glides over the deathly deep
(Fred Beake)
◇ At times the mariners afar from hankered ports
Catch for a senseless fun impaling ocean roads
A dainty albatross a leaden-footed bird
That follows alongside the quest-aspired boats.
(Boris Leyvi)
◇ Often to amuse themselves members of the crew
Will trap albatross those gigantic birds of the sea
Who follow them leisurely companions on their voyage
While the ship glides over the briny deep.
(Barry Tobin)
◇ Often to amuse themselves the crew of the ship
Would fell an albatross the largest of sea birds
Indolent companions of their trip
As they slide across the deep sea's bitters.