◆ 《Yahoo!知恵袋》にまさにこの質問があった。 ◇ 鴨居と天井の間の壁に名前はありますか? 欄間ではない。。。?ですよね。ただの壁と呼ぶには、せっかく区切られているし、、、「上の壁」とでも呼んだらいいのでしょうか。。。もしご存知の方がいたら、よろしくお願いいたします。 ◆ この質問に寄せられた回答は、「小壁」に「下がり壁」。ほかで「垂れ壁」という言い方も見つけた。 ◇ たれかべ 【垂れ壁】 天井から垂れ下がったような形の壁。鴨居の上の小壁などをいう。防煙区画として重要。 ◆ 「垂れ壁」がいいような気がするが、西洋建築の場合は、また別な用語があるかもしれない。ほかのひとはあの場所をなんと呼んでいるかをみてみると、 ◇ 「Brooks was here.(ブルックスここにあり)」という言葉を柱に刻み首を吊るのですが、 ◇ 梁に彫られた『Brooks Was Here』で泣いた。 ◇ その時彼は現場のアパートの壁に「Brooks was here」(ブルックスここにありき)と刻むのです。。。 ◇ レッドがブルックスの部屋を去る際に柱に彫った文字。「brooks was here , so was red」 ◇ 私も途中しばらくは、あの柱に刻んだ「BROOKS WAS HERE」が頭を離れず、おじいさんのことばかり考えてました。 ◆ 「柱」「梁」「壁」。意外にも、柱が多い。あれは柱だろうか? ◇ He was in a halfway house and carved his name on a wall "Brooks was here" before hanging himself. ◇ We see Brooks in his room, stepping up on a table, etching an inscription that says “BROOKS WAS HERE” into the ceiling before knocking the table down, feet hanging. Brooks has hanged himself. ◇ He climbs on a chair, then onto a table and proceeds, without much effort or "tip-toeing", to carve the phrase "Brooks Was Here" on the beam in his apartment. ◇ Carved into the beam from which he hangs himself is the simple epitaph “Brooks was here." ◇ 〔Top Ten Hollywood Movie Suicides〕 After carving his final farewell into a wooden beam in his room – "Brooks Was Here" – the old, institutionalized ex-con slips into his makeshift noose, kicks away the chair and hangs himself until dead ◇ 〔Movie mistakes〕 Before Brooks hangs himself he scratches "Brooks was here" into a wooden beam. While he is doing that plaster pieces fall on the table he is standing on. [The lower part of the beam (the vertical poles, moulding, etc) is wood, but the upper part where Brooks (and later Red) carved their names *is* plaster, as you can see when Red first walks into the room towards the end of the movie.] ◇ the camera moves in for a close-up and the words "Brooks was here" are shown carved in the wood. ◇ 〔Filmsite.org : Greatest Tearjerkers Scenes and Movie Moments of All-Time〕 the tragic scene of released aging prisoner Brooks Hatlen's (James Whitmore) suicide by hanging after carving "BROOKS WAS HERE" on the wooden arch above him; ◇ So by the time Morgan Freeman entered the same hotel room in 279 and glanced up to see "Brooks Was Here" carved into the ceiling beam, the audience understood. ◇ The prison [Mansfield Reformatory, Ohio] gained world renowned fame with the release of 'The Shawshank Redemption' starring Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins. The facility served as Shawshank State Prison in the film. Evidence of such still remains there, as "Brooks Was Here" was carved into one of the rafters in the administrative area during filming. That carving can still be seen today. ◇ Brooks hung himself in a hotel room after he carved "Brooks was here". ◆ 「wall(壁)」「ceiling(天井)」「beam(梁)」「ceiling beam」「wooden beam」「wooden arch」「wood?」「rafters(垂木)」「hotel room」。あれは天井だろうか? あれは木だろうか? あれはホテルの一室だろうか? やれやれ、なにがなんだかわからなくなってきた。ふと以前に書いた記事のことを思いだした。あれも落書きだった。ジャネット・リンの「Peace & Love」 ◆ ブルックスが「BROOKS WAS HERE」とナイフで刻むシーンの動画が《YouTube》にあったので載せておく。その直後に首吊り自殺の場面になるので注意。 |
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