
◆ 最近パソコンの調子がおかしい。すぐ青い画面になって、止まってしまう。白い文字で 「A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer‏」 とかなんとか。これがいわゆるブルースクリーン。英語で 「Blue Screen Of Death」、略して 「BSOD」 というらしい。なぜ略するのかは知らない。死の青い画面。ちょっと怖い。

◇ One of the most feared colors in the NT world is blue. The infamous Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) will pop up on an NT system whenever something has gone terribly wrong.

◇ Abbreviated BSOD, an error that can appear on computers running in a Windows environment. This includes even the earliest versions of Windows, such as Windows 3.0 and 3.1, and still occurs in later versions such as Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, and Windows 2000. Jokingly called the blue screen of death because when the error occurs, the screen turns blue, and the computer almost always freezes and requires rebooting.

◇ If you have used Windows XP, 2000 or NT for any length of time at all, you are probably familiar with what is fondly referred to as "The Blue Screen of Death," or BSOD for short. Other versions of Windows (ME/98/95) also display errors on a blue background, but that is different (and often much less helpful) than the Blue Screen discussed in this article. The technical term for Blue Screen phenomenon is the "stop screen." It appears (with a blue background) when something has gone very wrong with your Windows XP/2000/NT machine. If you are fortunate, you may be able to simply cold boot, and pray the screen doesn't come back. It is more likely however, that there is a real problem that needs to be fixed, and the screen will rear its ugly head on a regular basis.

◆ "rear its ugly head" = "(of something undesirable or unpleasant) to appear"、(イヤなことが)現れる、か。なるほど。でも元々は何の頭なんだろう? イヤ、英語の勉強をしている場合ではないのだった。

◆ 上の青いTシャツの画像はネットで拾ったもの。Tシャツには、白い文字で 「A fatal exception 0E has occured at....」 とかなんとか。致命的な例外エラー。これは、Windows XP より前の Windows (ME/98/95) に出現するブルースクリーン。それにしても、おっぱいがデカイ。


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