
◆ 1939年ごろのニューオーリンズ。《Eugene Register-Guard》に掲載された、Madeleine Gilbert Christenson さんの投稿記事から、さらにもうひとつ。チコリコーヒー。

◇ What was served to us as coffee the first morning was like some thick, black medicine. But I am apt to be tolerant of culinary failures and I waited patiently for something better. The New Orleans coffee drinkers, however, brew the beverage from a dark roast coffee to which has been added about 20 per cent bitter chicory. They call it French drip coffee, and slowly this insidious drink grows on you and you curse to yourself because decent Maxwell House coffee tastes pale and wan. If you look like a tourist the wailtress will ask if you want "northern" or "southern" coffee.
Eugene Register-Guard - Jun 24, 1939

◆ 旅行者のあなたがニューオーリンズで飲食店に入りコーヒーを注文すると、ウェートレスが「北部風」ですか、「南部風」ですか、と問う。南部風(southern)のコーヒーを、と答えると、地元で「フレンチ・ドリップ・コーヒー」と呼ばれる、なにやら黒くどろっとした薬のような液体が出てくることになる。20パーセントのチコリ入りだ。チコリは、

◇ 葉や根には独特の苦味があり、肥培した株から出させた芽を暗黒下で軟白栽培したものを、主にサラダとして賞味するほか、根を炒ったものをコーヒーの風味づけや代用品にも使う。チコリー

◆ つまり、チコリコーヒーには2種類あって、コーヒー豆に根チコリを加えたもの(もともとは水増しのため、また風味づけとして)とコーヒー豆を使わず根チコリを焙煎したもの(代用品)。

◇ Root chicory (Cichorium intybus var. sativum) has been in cultivation in Europe as a coffee substitute. The roots are baked, ground, and used as a coffee substitute and additive, especially in the Mediterranean region (where the plant is native), although its use as a coffee additive is also very popular in India, parts of Southeast Asia and the American South, particularly in New Orleans. Chicory, with sugar beet and rye was used as an ingredient of the East German Mischkaffee (mixed coffee), introduced during the "coffee crisis" of 1976-9.

◆ ニューオーリンズのチコリコーヒーのチコリは、コーヒーの substitute(代用品)ではなくて、additive(添加物)ということになる。いまでも、ニューオーリンズではチコリコーヒーを飲むことができて、なかでも「Cafe Du Monde」というコーヒーショップが有名だそう。そのうちいつか、ニューオーリンズに行くことがあったら、ぜひ飲んでみたいものだ。と思っていたら、このカフェデュモンド、

◇ 1990年にダスキンの経営により日本進出。日本国内では33店舗(2008年3月現在)を展開している。カフェデュモンド

◆ あら、日本でも飲めるのね。《Cafe Du Monde》のホームページに、チコリコーヒーの歴史が書いてあったので、これも引用。

◇  Coffee first came to North America by way of New Orleans back in the mid-1700's. It was successfully cultivated in Martinique about 1720, and the French brought coffee with them as they began to settle new colonies along the Mississippi.
 The taste for coffee and chicory was developed by the French during their civil war. Coffee was scarce during those times, and they found that chicory added body and flavor to the brew. The Acadians from Nova Scotia brought this taste and many other french customs (heritage) to Louisiana. Chicory is the root of the endive plant. Endive is a type of lettuce. The root of the plant is roasted and ground. It is added to the coffee to soften the bitter edge of the dark roasted coffee.


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